Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Cleanse/De-Tox

You'd think taking the horse pills included in the nice little "30 Day Cleanse/De-Tox" was difficult enough! Nope then you have to go through those first few days of pain. On the box, they call it the pain of the toxins starting to leave your body. Not to argue with the explanation on the box, but I'm pretty convinced the massive headache I have right now is from caffiene withdrawal. Or maybe lack of artificial sweeteners which I usually consume in my coffee, tea, yogurt, Crystal Light etc. Maybe it's lack of sugar... I've cut out everything with sugar. Except a handful of raisins in the vegan Trail Mix they sell at Costco. I figure that if I get rid of all sugars, I just might die.

So here's what I can't have:

Coffee/Tea (Only herbal)
Artificial Sweeteners
White Rice
Red Meat
Medications (IB Profen etc)

And I think that covers it? Do you actually follow these strict guidelines while cleansing? Or do you end up cheating... how bad is it to cheat on a cleanse?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Turkey Chili Recipe

I made the BEST chili last night! And it was pretty healthy too, so I didn't feel guilty having seconds. Here's the recipe:

1 cup Brown and Wild Rice

1 lb Ground Turkey
1 can Black Beans drained (not rinsed)
1 can low-sodium Tomato Soup
1/4 cup water

1 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped tomato
2 cloves minced garlic

2 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Beef Stock powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cook rice and set aside. Cook Turkey and garlic in a large frying pan until pink disappears. Add onions and mushroom, cook until onions are slightly translucent. Add black beans, tomato soup and water. Stir well. Add tomatoes. Add spices and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes.

Serve over brown long grain and wild rice.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Next Bachelorette is Semi-Local!

The Bachelor. Seemed like a sweet, nice single dad looking for a woman that wouldn't leave him in the end like his ex-wife, or DeAnna. He picked the sweet commiting Melissa from Texas, only to dump her on TV weeks later! A happy ending for Molly (The other girl at the final rose ceremony) but I think the rest of the female population watched with their mouths hanging open, wonding how Jason could do that to Melissa?? So much for working through a marriage. Or relationship for that matter!

On a happy note - 29 Year old Jillian (Final 3 from last season) will be the next Bachelorette! It provokes the question - will producers promote Canadian entries? After all, she lives in Vancouver, perhaps this will be your big shot to get that single guy friend of yours married off!

If you have a man in mind for Jillian, be sure to sign him up here: